To run the installation for Anaplan XL in silent mode, input AnaplanXLReporting.exe /quiet at command line to automatically download and install any prerequisites as well as Anaplan XL itself.

If you would prefer to download all the prerequisites ahead of time, then you can run AnaplanXLReporting.exe /layout command line to create a folder containing all of the files in the correct layout. This can then be copied to a DVD or directly to the target computer.

There are command-line properties that can be set to modify the default installation behavior.

They can either be used with the .exe bootstrapper:

AnaplanXLReporting.exe INSTALLLOCATION="C:\My Install Folder"

Or directly with the .msi:

msiexec.exe /i INSTALLLOCATION="C:\My Install Folder" "MSINAME.msi"

The properties available:

INSTALLLOCATIONWhere the product files should be installed.%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Anaplan \Anaplan XL Reporting

The properties available:

INSTALLLOCATIONWhere the product files should be installed.WWWRoot\VIRTUALDIRECTORYNAME
SKIPCONFIGUREIISWhether the application is installed in IIS.0
VIRTUALDIRECTORYNAMEThe name of the application in IIS.Anaplan XLWeb
INSTALLWINDOWSFEATURESAutomatically install the required Windows features.0
CERTIFICATESTORENAMETo use a certificate for SSL binding, give the store's name where it's currently kept, for example WebHosting.
CERTIFICATETHUMBPRINTTo use a certificate for SSL binding, give its thumbprint here.