You can modify the display of a dynamic chart to meet your analysis needs.
Wrap data
If members aren't on rows, a better way to display the information can be to turn on chart wrapping. The data still has a common scale and is more easily compared.
Move the legend
Use the right-click menu to select the position for the legend. Integrated is only available for stacked chart types: It displays the legend text directly next to the series in the chart.
Highlight a series
Selecting a series in the legend or directly selecting a series or category in the chart will highlight that selection. This can be useful when series overlap to make them easier to read. Multiple series can be selected by using CTRL. These selections can be outputted to a cell for even more interactivity with the rest of your report.
Row customization
You can customize a row of charts, so they are displayed differently.
Different rows of charts can be plotted on their own scale and chart type.
For example, you might have a row of charts for different measures. You might want a different y-axis scale for each row, and a different chart type. Before making any changes, the Discount Amount isn't easy to see as it shares the same scale as the "Reseller Sales Amount".
In the Chart Properties > Axis Scales tab, change Y Axis Common Scale from All Charts to Row of Charts. Right-click on a row of the chart to see the Row Chart Type and Edit row. These options enable further customization of the display.
NOTE: This option only applies to charts with a selection on Rows. This feature isn't triggered by wrapping charts.
Define the number of rows/columns displayed
The maximum number of rows and columns displayed can be set in properties.