Use the Format tab of the chart task pane.

Set a number format for each measure if you don't want to use the cube format. To do this, give the chart a name and add a row to the format sheet for each measure you wish to specify. This will be applied to the axis, tooltips, and data labels.

Customize the look of a series by right-clicking it in the Legend and selecting Edit Series...

Specify the series's color in the format sheet.

Set the item name for either the chart name chosen in the options form or SmallMultiples to apply to all small multiples.

Specify the Hierarchy and Members. The color is taken from the data format cell in the row.

A ribbon for formatting a dynamic chart is available. The ribbon is shown when the dynamic chart task pane is open. Select the area of the chart you want to format or use the selection dropdown in the ribbon, and then make any available formatting changes. Any changes made to the ribbon are also available through the chart's properties.  You can use the Select All option in the dropdown to update all elements of the chart.

Review Dynamic Chart Ribbon for more details.