Reorder items when you design a view to help users find important data quickly.
You can reorder:
- Line items
- Line item subsets
- Lists
- List item subsets
- Versions
- Time
When you reorder items, the new order applies only to the worksheet or configured card. The order of the list remains unchanged everywhere else.
Any sorts applied to a dimension override any reorders that you apply. However, if the sort has no effect on the data currently displayed, the reorder still applies.
To reorder items:
- Select Configure grid on a new worksheet, or Select view on an existing worksheet. Alternatively, create and configure a new chart or grid card.
The Select data source displays in the Select primary grid or Card configuration panel. The displayed dialog depends on whether you're designing a view for a worksheet or card, but the functionality remains the same. - In the Custom views tab, select a module, which displays a preview.
- Select the Reorder icon from the toolbar at the top-right of the preview, below any context selectors.
The row and column dimensions display in a dropdown list. - Select the dimension you want to reorder.
The Reorder panel displays on the right, containing a list of items in the dimension you've selected.

- Optionally, enter part of an item's name you want to reorder in the search field to refine the list.
If you select a list item, you're taken to its position but it isn't selected. - Select one or more items:
- Select an item.
- Hold Ctrl or Cmd and select multiple items.
- Hold Shift and select two different items to select those items and all between them.
- To reorder the selected items, either:
- Use the arrow buttons to move selected items:
- The single up / down arrow button moves the selected items one step up / down.
- The double up / down arrows button moves the selected items to the top / bottom.
- Select the drag handle to the left of the selected items, and drag them to a new location.
- Use the arrow buttons to move selected items:
- Select Apply to reorder the items.
- Select the X in the top-right of the panel to close the Reorder panel.