This feature enables you to format any SparkColumns In-Cell Charts in your report. For details about how to invoke the dialog, see In-Cell Chart Designer.

The general features of the different chart options include:

Generic chart optionsDescription
TitleSpecifies a title to place in the formula cell (for In-Cell Chart formulas), or to use as the member name (when used in grids).
Column colorThe default color to use for the columns.
Negative point colorThe default color to use for negative columns.
Column widthThe width of each column.

The available highlighting options for columns include:

Color optionDescription
Minimum value colorThe color to highlight the lowest column.
Maximum value colorThe color to highlight the highest column.
Start value colorThe color to highlight the first column.
End value colorThe color to highlight the last column.

The available vertical scale options include:

Automatic common scaleIf selected, overrides all the other vertical scale options and selects one set of scales to suit all the charts controlled by this formula or member.
  • Automatic: Selects a suitable minimum for each chart individually. 
  • Custom: Specifies the minimum for all charts.
  • Automatic: Selects a suitable maximum for each chart individually.
  • Custom: Specifies the maximum for all charts.

The available period color options include:

Period color optionDescription
No period colorDisables alternate column shading.
Period colorAllows you to select the different colors for positive and negative columns, and how long the period is.

The available reference line options include:

Color optionDescription
No reference lineDisables the reference line.
Reference lineRenders a reference line on each chart, and allows you to specify further options.
Reference line colorThe color for the reference line.
Automatic averageSpecifies that the reference line should be calculated as the mean of all the values in the chart.
Custom valueAllows selection of a custom value or values for the reference line data points.