The SparkLine chart designer allows you to format SparkLine or SparkArea In-Cell Charts in your report.

TitleSpecifies a title to place in the formula cell (for In-Cell Chart formulas), or to use as the member name (when used in Grids).
Line type

Uses the desired rendering style for the data points.

  • Line only: Renders only the line, without data points.
  • Points only: Renders only the points, without the joining line.
  • Line with Points: Renders both the line and the data points.

Line colorThe color to use for the line.
Point colorThe default color to use for the data points.
Negative point colorThe default color to use for negative data points.
Stretch factorThe horizontal scale factor to use when drawing the chart.
Minimum value colorThe color to highlight the lowest point.
Maximum value colorThe color to highlight the highest point.
Start value colorThe color to highlight the first point.
End value colorThe color to highlight the last point.
Don't plot missing valuesLeave a gap where there's a gap in the source data.
Plot missing values as zeroSubstitute gaps in the source data with zeros.
Interpolate missing valuesFill in missing values with statistically appropriate values.

Automatic common scale

If selected, overrides all the other vertical scale options and chooses one set of scales to suit all the charts controlled by this formula or member.

  • Minimum: 
    • Automatic: Selects a suitable minimum for each chart individually. 
    • Custom: Specifies the minimum for all charts.
  • Maximum: 
    • Automatic: Selects a suitable maximum for each chart individually. 
    • Custom: Specifies the maximum for all charts.
  • No period color: Disables alternate background shading.
  • Period color: Allows you to select a different background shade. You can choose the alternate color and how long the period is.
No backgroundRenders the chart as ‌lines and points (as previously specified), without additional background.
Fill areaRenders the chart as an area chart, with the area below the line filled in the specified color.
Normal bandRenders a band on the chart, within which normal points are expected to fall.
Normal band colorThe color for the normal band.
Standard deviationsInstructs the program to determine the standard band by adding or subtracting the specified number of standard deviations from the average.
CustomAllows selection of custom values or values for the minimum and maximum normal values.
Banded fillAn extension of the normal band. Review Bandline chart designer for more details.
No reference lineDisables the reference line.
Reference lineRenders a reference line on each chart, and allows you to specify further options.
Reference line colorThe color for the reference line.
Automatic averageSpecifies that the reference line should be calculated as the mean of all the points in the chart.
Custom valueAllows selection of a custom value or values for the reference line data points.