For some features, Anaplan XL allows you to select a color gradient to visualize a particular data set:

The Gradient Picker window enables you to pick the options for designing the gradient for your report:

  1. Selects a smooth gradient between the selected endpoints
  2. The color model to use:
      • HSV (hue, saturation and value)
      • RGB (red, green and blue)
  3. The start color for the gradient.
  4. The end color for the gradient.
  5. Reverse the gradient. Swaps the start and end colors.
  6. Moves the center of the gradient. This affects how much the data range is assigned to which color.
  7. Selects a gradient split into blocks of color instead of a smooth transition.
  8. Several pre-configured segment patterns.
  9. Edit the currently selected segment pattern.
  10. Select bands of color for the gradient.
  11. Determines the number of bands.
  12. Select the colors for each band.
  13. Sets the Low and High for the bands.
  14. Shows a preview of the finished gradient.