This feature enables you to format any SparkHorizon In-Cell Charts in your report. For details about how to invoke the dialog, review In-Cell Chart Designer.
The generic features of this dialog include:
Generic feature | Description |
Title | Specifies a title to place in the formula cell (for In-Cell Chart formulas), or to use as the member name (when used in grids). |
Positive colors | The colors to use for the positive regions, highest at the bottom. |
Negative colors | The colors to use for the negative regions, most negative at the bottom. |
Stretch factor | The horizontal scale factor to use when drawing the chart. |
Flip negative data | When selected, negative values stretch down from the top rather than from the bottom. |
Missing values
The key considerations regarding missing values:
Value | Description |
Don't plot missing values | Leave a gap where there's a gap in the source data. |
Plot missing values as zero | Substitute gaps in the source data with zeros. |
Interpolate missing values | Fill in missing values with statistically appropriate values. |
Vertical scale
The key scale features include:
Scale | Description |
Automatic common scale | If selected, overrides all the other vertical scale options and selects one set of scales to suit all the charts controlled by this formula or member. |
Minimum |
Maximum |