Workspace administrators use Workflow in Modeling to monitor the addition of data to lists in Anaplan. With Workflow, you can track all list activity and communicate with other users who have access to the list.
Note: This functionality is not available in Polaris.
You can only enable Workflow for a list at the lowest level in a composite hierarchy.
To enable Workflow in Modeling, select Has Workflow for your list in General Lists
Workflow statuses include Not Started, In Progress, and Complete. When you enter data into a list in a module or dashboard, the status automatically moves from Not Started to In Progress. You can also change statuses manually in Workflow
Select Complete to manually move a list item's status from In Progress to Complete. All data in the Complete status locks by default. When you complete a parent list item, its child list items also move to Complete.
If you want to reset a workflow, change all list items to Not Started. This deletes all history related to the workflow in your model's history.
Workflow and Selective Access
You can use Workflow with Selective Access to control access to lists on a user-by-user basis. If a list uses Selective Access, only users with Write access can both view and amend the list or list item data.
Communicate with users
If you want to discuss information that relates to a workflow, you can send an email to users.
To email an individual user, select an item in Workflow
If you want to send a message to all users, for example, to remind users of an upcoming deadline, type in the <Here> field at the top of the Workflow