A revision tag is a snapshot of a model’s structural information at a point in time.

Whenever you or another user makes at least one structural change, you can save those changes in a revision tag. All the saved changes in a particular revision tag can then be synced to a compatible target model. You can also use a revision tag as the basis for a new model, or compare revision tags in the same model.

When working with revision tags, we recommend that you:

  • Add at least one revision tag per day during model building.
  • Add a revision tag after completing a significant piece of model functionality.

Work with revision tags explains how to:

  • Add a revision tag.
  • Create a model from an existing revision tag.
  • Revert a model back to the most recent revision tag.
  • Compare revision tags in the same model.

Note that the following tasks are not supported:

  • Selectively manage which structural changes are included or excluded in a revision tag.
  • Edit existing revision tags.
  • Add revision tags to locked or archived models.
  • Add revision tags to models in Deployed mode.

Add a revision tag whenever you want to create a point from which a model's structural information can be synchronized with that of another. For example:

  • When developing a new model, mark important milestones in the build by grouping sets of related changes into separate revision tags (importing lists, or creating the driver modules, for example).
  • Add a revision tag when new functionality is ready to be tested or released to production.
  • Add a revision tag when a fix to a functionality is ready to be tested or released to production.
  • Add a revision tag to indicate a new minor or major version of the model.

When features are ready for testing or production use, you can add revision tags to your development model and then use them as the basis for new testing or production models. For instructions on how to create a model from a revision tag, see Work with revision tags.

You can group many structural changes into a single revision tag, or add revision tags incrementally after each change.

Note: Revision tags don't contribute towards your workspace size allowance.