Use apps to group pages to represent a business function or process and guide users to relevant data.
You can use apps to separate different business functions. For example, you could have a Budget planning and forecasting app, and a Product inventory and sales app.
You can see a list of your apps on the Apps screen.
To open an app, choose it from the list. When you open an app, the app contents screen displays.
You can also delete, duplicate, or restore a deleted app from the Apps screen.
Understand the app contents screen
The app contents screen lists all of the pages in the app. To open a page, click its name.
Pages are grouped into categories on the app contents screen (if you're using them). The panel on the left of the screen provides easy access to categories, and any pages that were recently opened, listed under Most recent.
Note: For newly created pages without changes, DRAFT displays after the page name. When the source model for a page has been archived, ARCHIVED displays.
From this screen, you can: