Use a network card to display a network of connected data. The Network chart supports many-to-many relationships, enabling you to visualize supply chain networks. The chart visualizes the model list items with a node for each item. You can then connect the nodes based on how your line items relate to each other.
You must have list formatted line items in your modules that can be set as target and source nodes. The connections list must be set in rows. You must set line items as columns in the underlying view.
To edit cards, select Edit to open your page in designer mode.
Select Save to save as a draft, or Publish to publish the page.
Build a network chart
To build a network chart:
Select Network on a new card, or hover over your card, and select Edit .
In the Overview tab of the Card configuration panel, you can:
Enter a Title and Description for your card.
Link the card's title to a page from the Link to a page dropdown.
Under Network, create connections in the Connections tab. You can then add information to the nodes created in the network in the Nodes tab.
Select Connections > + Add connection.
Optionally, enter a Connection name.
Select a module for the Data source.
The connections list in your module must be set in rows, and your source and target line items must be in columns. Learn how to pivot data.
Once you've selected your data source, you can select the source and target line items from the Source and Target drop-down menus.
Optionally, set:
Line style: Select the line style for this connection. If you don't make a selection, the line will be solid by default.
Line color: Select the line color for this connection. You can select a single color, or apply conditional formatting. If you don't make a selection, the line will be gray by default.
Note: You can add up to 5 connections in one Network card.
Select the Nodes tab to add details to the nodes in your network chart. The nodes returned in this tab are based on the source and targets specified in the connections. You can:
Select a Data source.
Select a Node title.
Add a Node visual. You can use a line item or select an image from the assets library.
Optionally, select Themes to set a color or color palette for the nodes.
There's a limit of up to 5 connection types in each network card, and up to 1000 per connection type added. The network card renders the first 500 nodes of the data returned.
Set context selectors
By default, context selectors display on the bottom of a card. With Context location, you can place the context selector to be at the top or the bottom of the card. This feature can be useful when you have a large grid.