Returns a name or caption for a member or members. Multiple members can be specified (as separate parameters) to allow a multi-member set to be used.

Use the Insert Formula > Members menu or ribbon item to insert the formula using a wizard. 

XL3Member( Connection, Hierarchy, Member1, [Member2],…,[MemberN] )

ConnectionConnection number to use
HierarchyName of the hierarchy that the member applies to for example, "Measures" or "[Customer].[Customer Geography]".
Member1,…, MemberNMembers to use

Member name 'W6000/185'

=XL3Member( 1, "Product", "[Product].&[W6000/185]" )

You can specify multiple members for an XL3Member formula by using additional parameters.

When referred to by an XL3Lookup formula, it returns the sum of Allround and Mountain Bikes.

=XL3Member( 1, "Product", "[Product].&[Allround]", "[Product].&[Mountain]" )

You can specify an MDX calculation for members using the MDX: syntax. These cells can then be referenced by XL3Lookup formulae to use the created calculated members.

The last month in 2005.

=XL3Member( 1, "[Time]", "MDX:[Time].[All].[2005].LastChild" )

To permit other formulas to use multiple members for a single hierarchy, it's necessary to use XL3Member to create a calculated member. You can reference the XL3Member directly in the other formula, or reference the cell that the XL3Member is in.

Using XL3Member in-line to perform a multiple-member XL3Lookup: the sum of Allround and Road.

=XL3Lookup( 1, "[Product]", XL3Member( 1, "[Product]", "[Product].[All].&[Allround]", "[Product].[All].&[Road]" ) )

Sharing an XL3Member between multiple lookups: the members between Q2 2003 and Q1 2004 (inclusive).

  • In A1: =XL3Member( 1, "[Time]", "MDX:[Time].[All].&[2003].&[Q2]:[Time].[All].&[2004].&[Q1]" )
  • In A4 (returns the value of the sum): =XL3Lookup( 1, "[Time]", A1 )
  • IA5 (returns a chart of products, for that timespan): =XL3SparkColumnsM( XL3DataSeriesLookup( 1, XL3MemberSet( 1, "[Product]", "[Product].[All]", "Children" ), "[Measures].[Value]", "[Time]", A1 ) )