Returns the member at the specified position of a ranking. 

To return the value of the member instead, use the XL3ValueRankLookup formula. Use the Anaplan XL > Insert Formula > Ranking right-click menu or ribbon item to insert the formula using a wizard.  

ConnectionConnection number to use.
PositionPosition in the ranking to return.

The ranking type. Use the sum of the possibilities:

  • 0 – Use defaults
  • 1 – Retrieve the lowest values instead of the highest
  • 2 – Exclude nulls from the results
  • 4 – Exclude zeros from the results

For example, to return a ranking excluding both nulls and zeros, use 6.

MaxCountThe maximum number of members to return in the ranking.
MeasureThe measure on which to rank.
RankHierarchyName of the hierarchy that the following member applies to for example, "Measures" or "[Customer].[Customer Geography]".
RankMembersAn XL3MemberSet formula used to specify what to rank over.
Hierarchy1,…, HierarchyNName of the hierarchy that the following member applies to for example, "Measures" or "[Customer].[Customer Geography]".
Member1,…, MemberNEither a single member's unique name or an XL3Member formula to filter the ranking across.

Returns AS800/195, the 2nd ranked product in the tuple ([Time].[2003], [KeyFigures].[Revenue], [Scenario].[Budget]).

=XL3RankLookup( 1, 2, 0, 10, "[Measures].[Value]", "Product", XL3MemberSet( 1, "[Product]", "", "DescendantsAt", "[Product].[Product]" ), "Time", "2003", "KeyFigures", "Revenue", "Scenario", "Budget" )