Creates a lollipop chart that is rendered in an Excel cell.
Double-clicking the chart, or selecting the Anaplan XL > Format In-Cell Chart... right-click menu item enables the editing of the chart format using the Lollipop Chart Designer.
XL3SparkLolliplot( Data, Output, InRows, Width, [ColourBar], [ColourPop], [ColourNegBar], [ColourNegPop], [Minimum], [Maximum], [AxisType], [MajorTickmarkFrequency], [MinorTickmarksPerMajor], [TickmarkLabelFormatString], [Label], [Reference], [Reference Colour], [Square Pop], [Data Label Align], [Font Name], [Font Size], [Format String], [Data Label Color], [Data Label Bold], [Reverse Formatting], [Exclude Outliers], [Inline Axis Type])
Parameter | Description |
Data | The data to chart. This can be a range or a formula. |
Output | The target range in which to render the chart(s). |
InRows | Specifies whether the input data are in rows or columns:
Width | The width of the chart. |
ColourBar | The color for the bar, or -1 or an empty parameter for default. |
ColourPop | The color for the "Pop", or -1 or an empty parameter for default. |
NegColourBar | The color for the bar for negative values, or -1 or an empty parameter for default. |
NegColourPop | The color for the "Pop" for negative values, or -1 or an empty parameter for default. |
Minimum | A value to use for the minimum horizontal axis value or an empty parameter to use an automatic value. |
Maximum | A value to use for the maximum horizontal axis value, or an empty parameter to use an automatic value. |
AxisType | The type of axis to render in the formula cell:
MajorTickmarkFrequency | The frequency of the major, labeled tickmarks. |
MinorTickmarksPerMajor | The number of additional labelless tickmarks per major tickmark. |
TickmarkLabelFormatString | The format string for the axis tickmark labels. |
Label | Specifies the text to use in the formula cell, if no axis is used. |
Reference | A range or value to use as a reference value is drawn as a vertical bar. |
ReferenceColour | The color of the reference value bar. |
Square Pop | Use square pop instead of round, 0/1. |
Data Label Align | Alignment of the labels. |
Font Name | Label text font. |
Font Size | Label text size. |
Format String | Label number format. |
Data Label Color | Label text color. |
Data Label Bold | Label text bold, 0/1. |
Reverse Formatting | Reverse color formatting, for example, for revenue vs expense, 0/1. It can come from a range, so it varies per chart. |
Exclude Outliers | An arrow represents outliers so they don't shrink other values. |
Inline Axis Type | Vertical axis type: