Returns a member based on its relationship to the member passed in. Allows you to navigate a hierarchy, moving between members and levels using formulae alone.

You can combine formulas, for example, to move up a hierarchy, then along the level you get to.

Use the Insert Formula > Member Navigate menu or ribbon item to insert the formula using a wizard.

XL3MemberNavigate( Connection, Hierarchy, Member or Level, Relationship, [Index], [Hierarchy1], [Member1],…, [Hierarchy100], [Member100] )

ConnectionConnection number to use.
HierarchyName of the hierarchy that the member applies to,"[Customer].[Customer Geography]".
Member or LevelMembers or Level to use as starting position.
RelationshipRelationship of the desired member to the Member or Level passed in, see below.
IndexIndex of the member in the Relationship, meaning depends on the Relationship.
Hierarchy1,…, HierarchyNName of the hierarchy that the following member applies to for example, "Measures" or "[Customer].[Customer Geography]".
Member1,…, MemberNEither a single member's unique name or an XL3Member formula to specify that only non-empty members should be returned.