Creates a Comparison Chart that is rendered in an Excel cell.

Double-clicking the chart, or selecting the Anaplan XL > Format In-Cell Chart... right-click menu item enables the editing of the chart format using the Comparison Chart Designer

XL3SparkCompare( Value1, Output, InRows, ChartType, Value2, Width, ColorVal1, ColorVal2, ColorNegBar, ColorNegPop, [Minimum], [Maximum], [AxisType], [Units], [TickMarks], [TickMarkFormat], [Label])

Value1The data to chart. This can be a range or a formula.
OutputThe target range in which to render the chart(s).

Specifies whether the input data are in rows or columns:

  • 0 – Data is in rows
  • 1 – Data is in columns
  • Choose from 4 different chart types:
  • 0 - Bar chart
  • 1 - Range bar chart
  • 2 - Win/Loss bar chart
  • 3 - Bullet chart
Value2The range of data to use for comparison.
WidthThe width of the chart.
ColorVal1The color for a positive value, or an empty parameter for default.
ColorVal2The color for an increase in value, or an empty parameter for default.
ColorNegBarThe color for a negative value or an empty parameter for default.
ColorNegPopThe color for a decrease in value, or an empty parameter for default.
MinimumA value to use for the minimum horizontal axis value, or an empty parameter to use an automatic value.
MaximumA value to use for the maximum horizontal axis value, or an empty parameter to use an automatic value.

The type of axis to render in the formula cell:

  • 0 – No axis
  • 1 – Draws the axis at the top of the cell, with tickmarks below
  • 2 – Draws the axis at the bottom of the cell, with tickmarks above
  • 3 – Draws the axis at the top of the cell, with tickmarks and labels below
  • 4 – Draws the axis at the bottom of the cell, with tickmarks and labels above
UnitsThe frequency of the major, labeled tickmarks.
TickMarksThe number of additional labelless tickmarks per major tickmark.
TickMarkFormatThe format string for the axis tickmark labels.
LabelSpecifies the text to use in the formula cell, if no axis is used.