Returns the member's unique name for the specified grid cell. This can be useful when you want to get the unique name of a particular member from a grid for passing as an XL3Link parameter or to use in other formulas (VLOOKUP, XL3Lookup, etc.) - avoiding any issues with duplicate/translated captions, etc.

XL3GridMember( )

The parameters can take one of two forms:

Grid cell locationShows member's unique name for grid cell


Grid nameName of the grid to get the member for
Axis1 for Columns, 2 for Rows
DimensionHierarchy on the axis to look at, 1-based.
Member IndexMember index to look at, 1-based.

An individual cell can only include one reference to an XL3GridMember(Address). You can use XL3Address for more then one reference:

=XL3GridMember(XL3Address(C13)) & " - " & XL3GridMember(XL3Address(D13))