Returns a reference to a set that can be used by other Anaplan XL formulas.

For example the XL3RankLookup formula.

XL3MemberSet( Connection, Hierarchy, Member, Function, [Parameter] )

ConnectionConnection number to use.
HierarchyThe hierarchy of the following member.
MemberThe member to define the set relative to. Can also be a level.
FunctionThe set function to use.
ParameterFor set functions that require one, the parameter to use.
Set FunctionReturnsParameter Required
MemberA reference to a set containing only the specified member.
ChildrenA reference to the children of the specified member.
FirstChildA reference to a set containing the first child of the specified member.
LastChildA reference to a set containing the last child of the specified member.
DescendantsA reference to all the descendants of the specified member.
LowestDescendantsA reference to the lowest level descendants of the specified member.
DescendantsAtA reference to the members of the descendants of the given member. Parameter should be either a number specifying the distance, or a level unique name to return the descendants for.Yes
NextA reference to the specified member and the next N members, specified by Parameter.Yes
PrevA reference to the specified member and the previous N members, specified by Parameter.Yes
SiblingsA reference to the members at the same level as the specified member.
ParentA reference to a set containing the parent of the specified member.
AncestorsA reference to all the ancestors of the specified member.
FirstSiblingA reference to a set containing the first sibling of the specified member.
LastSiblingA reference to a set containing the last sibling of the specified member.
LevelMembersA reference to the members of a level. The Member parameter should be a level unique name instead of a member unique name.

For example, review XL3DataSeriesLookup or XL3RankLookup.