Creates a BoxPlot (also known as a box-and-whisker diagram) that is rendered in an Excel cell.
Double-clicking the chart, or selecting the Anaplan XL > Format In-Cell Chart... right-click menu item allow the editing of the chart format using the SparkBox Chart Designer.
XL3SparkBox( Data, Output, InRows, [Width], [WhiskerColour], [BarColour], [BoxColour], [MedianColour], [BorderColour], [MeanDotColour], [UpperQuartileColour], [PercentileBoundary], [Minimum], [Maximum], [AxisType], [MajorTickmarkFrequency], [MinorTickmarksPerMajor], [TickmarkLabelFormatString], [Label], [WhiskerType], [DotType], [AdditionalVals1], [Val1Color], [AdditionalVals2], [Val2Color], [Val1Type], [Val2Type] )
Parameter | Description |
Data | The data to chart. This can be a range or a formula |
Output | The target range in which to render the chart(s) |
InRows | Specifies whether the input data are in rows or columns:
Width | The total length of the box plot |
WhiskerColour | The color to use for the whiskers, or -1 or an empty parameter for default |
BarColour | The color to use for the bar, or -1 or an empty parameter for default |
BoxColour | The color to fill the box representing the lower quartile, or -1 or an empty parameter for default |
MedianColour | The color to use for the median line, or -1 or an empty parameter for default |
BorderColour | The color to use for border of the box, or -1 or an empty parameter for default |
MeanDotColour | The color to use for the mean dot, or -1 or an empty parameter for default |
UpperQuartileColour | The color to fill the box representing the upper quartile, or -1 or an empty parameter for default |
PercentileBoundary | **Currently Unknown |
Minimum | A value to use for the minimum horizontal axis value, or an empty parameter to use an automatic value |
Maximum | A value to use for the maximum horizontal axis value, or an empty parameter to use an automatic value |
AxisType | The type of axis to render in the formula cell:
MajorTickmarkFrequency | The frequency of the major, labeled tickmarks |
MinorTickmarksPerMajor | The number of additional labelless tickmarks per major tickmark |
TickmarkLabelFormatString | The format string for the axis tickmark labels |
Label | Specifies the text to use in the formula cell |
WhiskerType | Reserved |
DotType | Reserved |
AdditionalVals1 | A range containing a additional series of values to plot |
Val1Color | The color to use to plot the values specified in AdditionalVals1 |
AdditionalVals2 | A range containing a second additional series of values to plot |
Val2Color | The color to use to plot the values specified in AdditionalVals2 |
Val1Type | The shape to use to plot the values for AdditionalVals1
Val2Type | The shape to use to plot the values for AdditionalVals2. Valid values are as Val1Type |