Creates a BoxPlot (also known as a box-and-whisker diagram) that is rendered in an Excel cell.

Double-clicking the chart, or selecting the Anaplan XL > Format In-Cell Chart... right-click menu item allow the editing of the chart format using the SparkBox Chart Designer.

XL3SparkBox( Data, Output, InRows, [Width], [WhiskerColour], [BarColour], [BoxColour], [MedianColour], [BorderColour], [MeanDotColour], [UpperQuartileColour], [PercentileBoundary], [Minimum], [Maximum], [AxisType], [MajorTickmarkFrequency], [MinorTickmarksPerMajor], [TickmarkLabelFormatString], [Label], [WhiskerType], [DotType], [AdditionalVals1], [Val1Color], [AdditionalVals2], [Val2Color], [Val1Type], [Val2Type] )

DataThe data to chart. This can be a range or a formula
OutputThe target range in which to render the chart(s)

Specifies whether the input data are in rows or columns:

  • 0 – Data are in rows
  • 1 – Data are in columns
WidthThe total length of the box plot
WhiskerColourThe color to use for the whiskers, or -1 or an empty parameter for default
BarColourThe color to use for the bar, or -1 or an empty parameter for default
BoxColourThe color to fill the box representing the lower quartile, or -1 or an empty parameter for default
MedianColourThe color to use for the median line, or -1 or an empty parameter for default
BorderColourThe color to use for border of the box, or -1 or an empty parameter for default
MeanDotColourThe color to use for the mean dot, or -1 or an empty parameter for default
UpperQuartileColourThe color to fill the box representing the upper quartile, or -1 or an empty parameter for default
PercentileBoundary**Currently Unknown
MinimumA value to use for the minimum horizontal axis value, or an empty parameter to use an automatic value
MaximumA value to use for the maximum horizontal axis value, or an empty parameter to use an automatic value

The type of axis to render in the formula cell:

  • 0 – No Axis
  • 1 – Draws the axis at the top of the cell, with tickmarks below
  • 2 – Draws the axis at the bottom of the cell, with tickmarks above
  • 3 – Draws the axis at the top of the cell, with tickmarks and labels below
  • 4 Draws the axis at the bottom f the cell, with tickmarks and labels above
MajorTickmarkFrequencyThe frequency of the major, labeled tickmarks
MinorTickmarksPerMajorThe number of additional labelless tickmarks per major tickmark
TickmarkLabelFormatStringThe format string for the axis tickmark labels
LabelSpecifies the text to use in the formula cell
AdditionalVals1A range containing a additional series of values to plot
Val1ColorThe color to use to plot the values specified in AdditionalVals1
AdditionalVals2A range containing a second additional series of values to plot
Val2ColorThe color to use to plot the values specified in AdditionalVals2

The shape to use to plot the values for AdditionalVals1

  • 0 – Points
  • 1 – Lines
Val2TypeThe shape to use to plot the values for AdditionalVals2. Valid values are as Val1Type