Allows ‌writeback to be performed on demand. It can be used in conjunction with XL3Link to trigger ‌execution.

This setup is designed to enable the calculation of any number of cells to be separated from the sometimes slow writeback process. The final calculations for the cells can all be submitted in one batch, without having to wait for the writeback to occur between each calculation.

XL3DoWriteback( PerformWriteback, WriteValue, Connection, [Hierarchy1], [Member1],…, [Hierarchy100], [Member100] )

PerformWritebackA reference to a range containing a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) specifying whether to ‌ perform the writeback. That cell's value will be reset to FALSE following the writeback operation
WriteValueThe value to be written. Typically an Excel cell reference.
ConnectionConnection number to use
Hierarchy1,…, HierarchyNName of the hierarchy that the following member applies to for example, "Measures" or "[Customer].[Customer Geography]".
Member1,…, MemberNEither a single member's unique name or an XL3Member formula.

Writeback for the workbook must be enabled in the Workbook Options screen for this to work.

Web edition doesn't let you use an XL3Lookup or other Anaplan XL formulas to find the source values of the XL3DoWriteback. The XL3Lookups are run after the XL3DoWriteback. You would need to use a grid in the case where the data to be written is being sourced from the cube.