The ADDMONTHS function adds a number of months to a date.

For example, you can use the ADDMONTHS function to show a contractor's end date at a company.

ADDMONTHS(Date, number)

ArgumentData typeDescription
DateDateThe date to add months to.
NumberNumberThe number of months to add to the date.

The ADDMONTHS function returns a date result.

In Polaris, if you use a value of NaN (Not a Number) for the Number argument, the ADDMONTHS function returns a blank value.

In the Classic Engine, a value of NaN used with ADDMONTHS is equivalent to 0.

If you want to subtract the number of months from a date, you can use negative numbers in a formula. For example, ADDMONTHS(Amended contract date, -6).


In this example, a Contractor Details module has line items on rows and the Contractors list on columns. Both line items have a date format.

The formula returns the date six months after the contractor's start date. 

Shala EngleEric Jones
Contractor start date02/08/202106/09/2021

Contractor end date

ADDMONTHS(Contractor start date, 6)


If you want to add months and days to a date, you can use additional numbers in your formula. In this example, the formula returns the date six months and 14 days after the contractor's start date.

Shala EngleEric Jones
Contractor start date02/08/202106/09/2021

Contractor end date

ADDMONTHS(Contractor start date, 6) + 14
