The FINDITEM function searches for a text value within the names and codes of the items or time periods in a given list or Time respectively. If the FINDITEM function finds a match, it returns the corresponding list item or time period.

For example, you could use the FINDITEM function to check if an item available in a certain region is available in other regions.

FINDITEM(List_or_Time, Item_to_find)

ArgumentData typeDescription
List_or_TimeList or Time dimension

The list to search within for the Item to find argument.

You can also use the time dimension and search for periods.

Item_to_findTextThe text to match against the name or code of the list item or time period to find.

The FINDITEM function returns a result of the list or time period data type, based on the given List or Time argument.

In Polaris, you cannot use the FINDITEM function with one Time argument.

In the Classic Engine, you can use FINDITEM with one or two Time arguments.

FINDITEM(USA Products, Product Name)

If the List or Time argument is a list, the result line item must have the list data type, configured with the same list.

If the List or Time argument uses Time, the result line item must have the time period data type. The result the FINDITEM function returns depends on the time period granularity (for example, Month, or Quarter) of the line item.


These examples refer to a Products list. The Products list contains the following items, as seen in the Grid View tab in General Lists.

ParentCodeFruit subsetVegetable subset
FruitTotal Products

VegetablesTotal Products

Total Products

In this example, time is on columns, and there are three line items on rows.

The top-selling product for each month is manually entered into the Top-selling product line item on a dashboard. The Fruit product top seller? and Vegetable product top seller? line items use the FINDITEM function to return the top-selling product if it is a fruit or vegetable respectively.

Jan 22Feb 22Mar 22Apr 22May 22Jun 22
Top-selling productApplesBananasCucumbersCucumbersPeachesLettuce

Fruit product top seller?

FINDITEM(Fruit subset, 'Top-selling product')



Vegetable product top seller?

FINDITEM(Vegetable subset, 'Top-selling product')


This example demonstrates how codes for list items can be used to find items, instead of the text in list item names.

Jan 22Feb 22Mar 22Apr 22May 22Jun 22
Code of top-selling productAPP001BAN003CUC005CUC005PEA002LET006

Fruit product top seller?

FINDITEM(Fruit subset, 'Code of top-selling fruit product')



Vegetable product top seller?

FINDITEM(Vegetable subset, 'Code of top-selling product')
