The ALL aggregation function returns a TRUE result for all values that match specific Boolean criteria in a source module.

For example, you can use the ALL aggregation function to identify all employees who received a bonus in the first quarter of a year. 

Source[ALL: Mapping, ALL: Mapping 2, etc.]

ArgumentData typeDescription
SourceBooleanThe line item to search for all values that match criteria in the Mapping argument.

The line item to use as search criteria.

If you want to provide multiple criteria, you can repeat this argument.

The ALL aggregation function returns a Boolean result.

In Polaris, the default value for cells not mapped with the ALL aggregation function is FALSE.

In the Classic Engine, the default value is TRUE.

  • The list that is used to format the mapping line item in the source module must be a dimension of the target line item that uses the ALL aggregation function.
  • The dimensions of the mapping line item must also appear in the source line item.
  • You can reference the Users list with the ALL function. However, you cannot reference specific users in the Users list as this is production data, which can change and make your formula invalid.


In this example, the Salary Details module has line items on columns, and the Employees list on rows. The module shows employee bonuses and city locations.

The Bonus line item has a Boolean data type. The City line item has a list data type, and is formatted on the City list.

Employee A


Employee B


New York
Employee C
San Francisco
Employee D


Employee E
New York
Employee F



Below, the All Employee Bonus Locations module has the All locations with employee bonuses line item on rows, and the City list on columns. The All locations with employee bonuses line item has a Boolean data type.

The formula uses the ALL aggregation function to show cities where all employees have received a bonus.

LondonEdinburghSan FranciscoNew York

All locations with employee bonuses

Salary Details.Bonus[ALL: Salary Details.City]



Another example uses the Salary Details module as above, but includes an additional Department line item. Department has a list data type, and is formatted on the Department list.

Employee A


Employee B


SalesNew York
Employee C
HRSan Francisco
Employee D


HRSan Francisco
Employee E


SalesNew York
Employee F

Below, the All Employee Bonus Locations module has the All locations with employee bonuses line item on pages, the Department list on rows, and the City list on columns. The All locations with employee bonuses line item has a Boolean data type.

The formula in the line item uses the ALL aggregation function to show all employees with bonuses in different departments and cities: Salary Details.Bonus[ALL: Salary Details.City, ALL: Salary Details.Department].

The formula only returns a TRUE result if all employees in the same city and department received a bonus.

LondonSan FranciscoNew York
