The MROUND function rounds a value to the nearest multiple of a number.

For example, if you require a certain number of a part to make a single product, you can use MROUND to calculate the number of products that can be made.

MROUND(Number to round [, Multiple to round to] [, Rounding direction])

ArgumentData typeDescription
Number to round (required)NumberThe number to round.
Multiple to round toNumber

The multiple to round to.

Using 0 returns a value of NaN (Not a Number).

Rounding directionKeyword

The direction to round in.

The keywords are UP, DOWN, NEAREST, TOWARDSZERO, and AWAYFROMZERO. There's more information below.

The MROUND function returns a numeric result.


Rounds the value of the Number to round argument up, towards positive infinity.

This behavior is different to the Excel function ROUNDUP, which rounds away from zero.


Rounds the value of the Number to round argument down, towards negative infinity.

This behavior is different to the Excel function ROUNDDOWN, which rounds towards zero.


The default keyword if you omit the Rounding direction argument.

Rounds the value of the Number to round argument to the nearest number or decimal place.

TOWARDSZERORounds the value of the Number to round argument towards zero.
AWAYFROMZERORounds the value of the Number to round argument away from zero.

In Polaris, if Number of decimal places resolves to NaN (Not a Number) or 0, then the MROUND function returns 0. In the Classic Engine, this returns NaN.

MROUND(Product components, 4, Down) / 4

In this example the total number of Product components rounds down to the nearest multiple of four, and then divides by four. In this hypothetical example, you need four components to create a single product. As such, this formula provides the total number of products you can make with the current number of product components.

MROUND(1234.56)Only the value to be rounded, 1234.56, has been provided. The formula uses the default arguments of 0 decimal places and the NEAREST direction.1,235
MROUND(1234.56, 10)Rounds 1234.56 to the nearest multiple of 10. The formula contains no rounding direction, so the default NEAREST direction is used.1,230
MROUND(1236.54, 10, TOWARDSZERO)Rounds 1236.54 to a multiple of 10. The formula uses the TOWARDSZERO rounding direction, so 1236.54, a positive number, was rounded down.1,230
MROUND(1234.56, 10, AWAYFROMZERO)Rounds 1234.56 to the nearest multiple of 10. The formula uses the AWAYFROMZERO rounding direction, so 1234.56, a positive number, was rounded up.1,240
MROUND(1234.56, 1000)Rounds 1234.56 to the nearest multiple of 1,000. The formula contains no rounding direction, so the default NEAREST direction is used.1,000
MROUND(-1234.56, 1000, UP)Rounds -1234.56 to a multiple of 1,000. The formula uses the UP rounding direction, so x rounds towards positive infinity.-1,000
MROUND(-1234.56, 1000, DOWN)Rounds -1234.56 to a multiple of 1,000. The formula uses the DOWN rounding direction, so x rounds towards negative infinity.-2,000
MROUND(15555, 10)Rounds 15555 to the nearest multiple of 10. The formula contains no rounding direction, so the default NEAREST direction is used. As 55 is a positive number halfway between 50 and 60, x rounds up, towards positive infinity.15,560
MROUND(-15555, 10)Rounds -15555 to the nearest multiple of 10. The formula contains no rounding direction, so the default NEAREST direction is used. As -55 is a negative number halfway between -50 and -60, x rounds down, towards negative infinity.-15,560