The POWER function raises a number to the power you specify.

This function is the inverse of the LOG function.

For example, if the formula LOG(a, b) gives a result of c, the formula POWER(b, c) gives a result of a.

POWER(Number, Power)

ArgumentData typeDescription
NumberNumberThe number to raise to a power.
PowerNumberThe power, or exponent, to raise the number to.

In Polaris, POWER(0,0) returns 0.

In the Classic Engine, POWER(0,0) returns 1.

The POWER function can be used to calculate the root of a positive number by using a fraction for the Power argument. For example using 1/2 or 1/3 for the Power argument returns the square root and cube root respectively. However, if you attempt to return the root of a negative number, the POWER function returns a result of NaN (Not a Number).


POWER(2, 4)This formula raises two to the power of four.16
POWER(9, 9)This formula raises nine to the power of nine.387,420,489