The COUPNCD function calculates the next coupon date after a settlement date.

For example, you can use the COUPNCD function to identify the next coupon date after you purchase a bond.

COUPNCD(Settlement, Maturity, Frequency)

ArgumentData typeDescription
Settlement (required)DateThe bond settlement date, when the bond is traded to the buyer.
Maturity (required)DateThe bond maturity date, when the bond expires.
Frequency (required)Number

The number of coupon payments per year. 


  • 1 for annual
  • 2 for semi-annual
  • 4 for quarterly

If you use any value other than 1, 2, or 4, the function returns a blank result.

The COUPNCD function returns a date.

Financial functions are currently unavailable in Polaris. Learn more about the differences between Anaplan calculation engines.

  • The settlement and maturity dates must be between 01/01/1900 and 12/31/2399.
  • The maturity date must be later than the settlement date.


In this example, two formulas calculate the next coupon date. The first formula uses 1 for the Frequency argument, so the coupon is paid annually. The second formula uses 4 for the Frequency argument, so the coupon is paid quarterly.

COUPNCD(DATE(2021, 1, 15), DATE(2024, 1, 15), 1)

This example calculates the next coupon date for a bond with a frequency of 1 (annual).

The settlement date is 01/15/2021 and the maturity date is 01/15/2024.

COUPNCD(DATE(2021, 1, 15), DATE(2024, 1, 15), 4)

In this example, the next coupon date is calculated for a bond with a frequency of 4 (quarterly).

The example uses a settlement date of 01/15/2021 and a maturity date of 01/15/2024.
