The ISNOTBLANK function returns a Boolean result for values that are not blank.

For example, you can use the ISNOTBLANK function to find employees without a leaving date.

ISNOTBLANK(Value to test)

ArgumentData typeDescription
Value to testDate, time period, text, or listThe value to test if it is blank.

The ISNOTBLANK function returns a Boolean result.

In Polaris, the ISNOTBLANK function considers a text value that consists exclusively of carriage return characters to be a blank value.

In the Classic Engine, the ISNOTBLANK function considers a carriage return to be a non-blank value.

ISNOTBLANK(Panel interview)

In this example, Panel interview is a line item with a text format. The formula returns true if a value from the line item contains text, which means a candidate has completed that stage of the interview process.

ISNOTBLANK(Rehire date)

In this example, Rehire date is a line item with a date format. The formula returns true for values that contain dates for rehired employees.

Hannah SmithEric JonesPaul Turner
Rehire date5/06/2021
ISNOTBLANK(Rehire date)