Use the NAME function to convert data from a list item to text.

NAME(List item)

ArgumentData typeDescription
List itemListThe list item to convert to text.

The NAME function returns a text result.

NAME (Month period)

This returns the month period as a text string where month period is the line item and the result is the name of the month.


This example shows how you can use the NAME function to return a text formatted line item from the Time list. 

The module is displaying the months for 2020.

The NAME calculation function is applied to the line item Month Period formatted as Month and returns the Period Name Month as a line item formatted as text:

NAME(Month Period)

The module, Accounts Period, displays the Key Dates and Expiry Dates for a company's accounts.

The line items are:

Key Dates

Expiry Dates

The line items and their formats are:

Period Name Month (text format)

Month Period (time format; Month)
where the month periods are editable cells.

The formula NAME(Month Period) identifies the Month for the Month Period the line item. It then converts the data type from a list item formatted line item to a text.

The result displays in the Key Dates and Expiry Dates columns for the Period Name Month line item.

Period Name Month: NAME(Month Period)

Accounts period

Key DatesExpiry Dates

Period Name Month

NAME(Month Period)

Feb 20Apr 20
Month PeriodFeb 20Apr 20

You can use NAME with another function. This example shows how you can use NAME to return the name of a product in text format.


In this example, a company is looking at the Product Margins for their clothing products. 

The module is called Product Margins. The list is called Products and is on columns. Line items displays on rows.

The function, NAME references the line item, Product Name., which is list-formatted with the Products list.

The formula uses two functions; ITEM and NAME.

The ITEM function returns the list item of the line item, then the NAME function converts that list item to text.

Product Margins

Annual Purchase328,765238,976348,432349,876467,831
Annual Sales404,876289,743401,239378,765502,349
Product SeasonSummerSummerFallFallSummer
Rank clothing with same season46463
Annual Margin76,11150,76752,80728,88934,518

Product Name



The values returned in the Product Name line item have the text data type.